Posts Tagged ‘Theater style racing consensus’

A consensus may be forming

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

A consensus may be forming about what to do with the ‘theater style’ racing concept!
After a review of many of the survey results, there appears to be a consensus (Consensus: a decision that is supported and can be lived with) forming on how we should go about our approach to ‘theater style’ racing.
There  seems to be broad support from the class that this is something that is worth a try. While some advocating an immediate addition upcoming regattas, the most likely solution that can attract broad support is to have two test regattas and then make a more informed decision.  I would propose that those two regattas are:
1) Immediately after Sail for Gold 2010 in Weymouth in conjunction with the Seiko Speed Challenge.

  • 2 day event using ‘boardercross’ style, modified in some way to accommodate the fact that there is no opportunity for fleet racing qualification.

2) Perth 2010 medal race becomes, Perth 2010 ‘match race’ style finish.

  • We’d hope to do the race day by the breakwall with tons of the public in areas they can watch. Barry will try to organize. We may end up having to do a regatta ahead of the event instead, if the event organizers cannot accommodate our request.

After the tests we would continue the process and debate on how to proceed further, with a final decision by Dec. 31, 2010.
Is this an approach you can support and live with?
Are you ranked in the top 30 in the class? If so, will you commit to testing the ‘sailorcross’ style after Sail for Gold?