What is the process for “Theater Style” Racing?

A number of competitors have asked for some greater insight into the process we are proposing as a whole.  Have a look at the following and follow up with questions if you have some.

The first decision is if we should go ahead to the ‘trial’ stage for ‘theater style’ racing.

a)      A trial or trials of the ‘theater style’ racing be conducted with 49ers.

  1. Yes or No

b)      Assuming it was a yes, then we decide when to have the trial or trials, which type, and when.

c)       The class will then continue the debate after the trials.  Three options be put forward to the class for a vote by Dec. 31, 2010.

  1. ‘Theater Style’ racing concept to be dropped
  2. ‘Theater Style’ racing concept to be pushed for the 2016 quadrennial
  3. ‘Theater Style’ racing be pushed for in the 2012 quadrennial

* Note, there would have to be overwhelming support (~75%) from the sailors ‘most likely to participate in the Olympics’ in order for us to attempt to push this for 2012.

d)      Assuming option b or c is selected, a second vote would be conducted where to decide whether to pursue the ‘match race’ option or the ‘sailorcross’ option.

How does that sound to everyone?


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